February 9th – 11th 2018 ~ Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo ~ Held at the LAX Hilton Hotel www.consciouslifeexpo.com
Thurs 15th Feb 7:00-8:30pm ~ Robin Jones ~ Using Essential Oils for Stress & Balancing Emotions ! www.TheLivingTemple.com
Sun 18th Feb 6:00-7:30pm ~ Robin Jones ~ Using Essential Oils for Natural Health and Wellness www.TheLivingTemple.com
Thursday 22nd February 6:45-9:00pm ~ Nick Lasky ~ Using Your Astrology Chart to Select Crystals and Essential Oils that Support Your Purpose www.NickLasky.com
LIFESTREAM GENERATOR SESSIONS & DEMO’S – Sun 11th Feb 12:00pm – 4:00pm and Wed 14th Feb 11:00am-
2:00pm. We will have a Limited Number of Free Introductory Sessions with this amazing Technology with Certified Practitioner Leah Rietz and for more details you can go to www.zeropointresearch.com and to RSVP please call Robin at 714-891-5117. The Lifestream Generator is a combined technological achievement based on research from Nikola Tesla, George Lakhovsky and George W. Van Tassel. There is a combination of over 100 years of research to bring this technology to mankind. The Lifestream Generator uses Radiant Energy Waves to send a Unified Field of Energy through the body and in the process can Help with Releasing Pain from Trauma, Nerves, Fractures and Arthritis, help Relieve Stress, achieve Deeper Sleep and Rejuvenate Cells. The free session is about 15 minutes and Leah is also offering a full session for just $40, normally $70 ! Please wear loose fitting clothes and be Well Hydrated for the sessions.
FEBRUARY 9th – 11th 2018 ~ Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo ~ LAX HILTON HOTELÂ
This exciting event is being held at the LAX Hilton Hotel and for more details on the Speaker Line Up, Tickets, Directions etc please go to www.consciouslifeexpo.com
During this Exciting weekend event you will get to hear from many World Class Speakers, Attend Free Lectures & Workshops, Enjoy some Amazing Art & Music as well as check out an Extensive display of over 200 Interesting Exhibitor Booths. Keynote Speakers at this Awesome weekend include: Nassim Haramein, David Adair, John Perkins, Gail Thackray, David Wilcock, Caroline Myss, Del Bigtree, George Noory, Lisa Garr, Jaime Maussan, Susan Miller, Corey Goode & Barbara Marx Hubbard.Â
Please come and join us for this special event with the Owner & Founder of The Living Temple Robin Jones and for more details on the oils please go to www.TheLivingTemple.com
Please join us for this Exciting & Interactive Evening with the Owner and Founder of The Living Temple Robin Jones as he Shares over 20 Years of Health Research with a Focus on Using really High Quality Essential Oils. Learn about the Vibrational Frequencies of Essential Oils and the Profound Effects that Positive and Negative Energy and Frequencies can have on your Health, Why Stress is the Cause of All Disease, Scientific Research & Resources on How Stress affects our Health, Why Mental & Emotional Stress may be the Most Important one to Deal with First, How Physical & Environmental Stress can affect our Emotions, How to use Essential Oils to Reduce Stress & Balance Emotions, plus a whole lot more. Learn about the Difference in Quality of Essential Oils and why that is So Important. All attendees will get to Smell and Try the Oils and Receive Valuable Free Information. You will also get all the Latest News about Exciting New Products and Resources that are now Available or coming Soon !
This special event is Free to attend but we do ask that you please RSVP as spaces are limited.
Please come and join us for this special event with the Owner & Founder of The Living Temple Robin Jones and for more details on the oils please go to www.TheLivingTemple.com
Please join us for this Exciting & Interactive Evening with the Owner and Founder of The Living Temple Robin Jones as he Shares over 20 Years of Health Research with a Focus on Using really High Quality Essential Oils. Discover how to use Essential Oils to Support the Immune System, Help with Digestive Function, for Mood Elevation and Stress Reduction, to Relieve Head & Neck Tension and Muscle & Joint Discomfort, for Soothing & Relieving Minor Skin Conditions, for Cleansing & Detoxification and Healthy Weight Management, for Supporting Healthy Respiratory Function, plus a whole lot more. Learn about the Difference in Quality of Essential Oils and why that is So Important. All attendees will get to Smell and Try the Oils and Receive Valuable Free Information. You will also get all the Latest News about Exciting New Products and Resources that are now Available or coming Soon !
This special event is Free to attend but we do ask that you please RSVP as spaces are limited.Â
THURSDAY 22nd FEB 6:45 – 9:00PM ~ Nick Lasky ~ Using Your Astrology Chart to Select Crystals and Essential Oils !Â
Please come & join us for this special event with Renowned Psychic, Astrologer and Healer Nick Lasky and for more details on his work please go to www.NickLasky.com
Please join us for this Exciting and Experiential evening with Renowned Psychic, Astrologer and Healer Nick Lasky. Please Bring a Copy of your Astrological Chart to this Special Event as Nick will be showing you how to Select the Best Crystals and Essential Oils that Support your Soul’s Purpose using your chart. Learn which Crystals and Oils you need to be working with to Align you with your Purpose, how to Quickly choose the most Appropriate Crystals and Oils based on your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs, which Crystals and Oils to use to Diminish Difficult Planetary Transits, plus a whole lot more !
Your cost for this very special event is just $15 and we do ask that you please RSVP as spaces are limited.