About The Living Temple
Elevating Mindy, Body and Spirit for 18 Years!
Who Are We? What is The Living Temple? What’s it all about?

Robin Jones, founder of The Living Temple
Robin Arthur Jones has delved into and has been researching Health, Nutrition and Freethinking Information since 1995. After learning and adopting new diets, practices and ways of thinking he began to share his knowledge with the community around him. He opened up what is now The Living Temple in 1998. Today, The Living Temple is in it’s sixth location in Huntington Beach. Each time the store has moved, the space has grown in size and our community has continued to grow. Today it continues to expand the minds, hearts, and connection of people throughout Southern California. You can meet speakers on topics from Health and Nutrition to Ancient Civilizations and Spirituality on a regular basis. You can come to watch inspiring and unique movies. You can enjoy a Raw Food Festival. You can come to learn or just, to stock the high energy products to sustain yourself, or just share in the community of great people.
Raising Awareness
Read Robin’s article in Awareness Magazine for thoughts on “Raw, Vegan and Vegetarian Lifestyles Their Impact on Your Health and Planet Earth.”
Read the poem of the same name “The Living Temple”
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