Dear Fellow Essential Oil Lovers,

Welcome to our Regular Monthly email newsletter where we will be sharing the latest details on Live Events, Online Events and other doTERRA News as well as a Wonderful Informative & Educational Essential Oil description from my good Friend Kristi Lynn whose Company Balanced Wellness Solutions offers many great services and can be reached at

I hope you enjoy this new update and look forward to seeing you at some of our Upcoming Live Events !


Robin Jones


CO-IMPACT SOURCING – This is a Great 5-6 Minute overview Video showing the Amazing Impact that doTERRA is having around the World and the Mission that the Company has with their Co-Impact Business model for Sourcing Essential Oils and Creating Sustainable Communities. Hope you Enjoy !

JANUARY ESSENTIAL OILS CLASSES – We are now Offering 2 Different Essential Oils Classes here at The Living Temple each month. On Wed 6th from 7-9pm and Sun 24th from 6-8pm we will have classes on Using Oils for Natural Health & Wellness and on Sun 10th from 6-8pm and Thurs 28th from 7-9pm we will have classes on Using Oils for Stress & Balancing Emotions !  If you would like to learn more about Essential Oils in General along with Health Tips from over 20 Years of Health Research then please come and join Robin Jones, the Owner and Founder of The Living Temple for these Special FREE Events. More details at

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JANUARY SPECIAL FRANKINCENSE PROMO – This is one of the best Special Promotions that doTERRA offers each year and I would Highly Recommend making the most of it if you can fit it in your budget. Any order placed between January 1-15 with a PV value over $200 get’s a FREE Frankincense Oil $93 value and you can place up to Four $200 orders per Account, plus you can also make them all LRP ( Loyalty Rewards ) order’s and get the Extra Rebate Points back as well as the Free Oil !  


GREAT JANUARY / FEBRUARY PROMO – This is a Great Promotion for any New Wholesale Members who sign up between January 1st and February 29th 2016 so if you know anyone who has been thinking about joining doTERRA please Encourage them to come to one of the Live Events here at The Living Temple and if they sign up with at least a $100 order and place a $100 Loyalty Order the following month they will get $100 back in FREE Product Points !  


It’s cold and flu season….

Support your immune system with ON GUARD®!





In university-based testing, the
ON GUARD® blend was found to have a 99.96% effective kill-rate against airborne bacteria.  It has proven itself to be highly effective in supporting the immune system
and general good health.

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Essential Oils Email

ON GUARD® is dōTERRA®’s unique, proprietary blend formulated to support healthy immune function. Wild orange essential oil, combined with clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary offer a fragrant, natural and effective alternative to synthetic options for immune support. ON GUARD®, with its unique aroma, is one of dōTERRA®’s most versatile blends. It is also safe to use on counter tops, as a non-toxic way to cleanse surfaces, or to purify the atmosphere by diffusing.  Apply to surfaces to kill germs and pathogens. Diffuse in rooms to provide immune support and to rid the area of bacteria, viruses, mold, and fungi. Apply topically with massage to feet, back, neck and shoulders to offer immune support. For aromatic, topical, or dietary use.

Some common uses for ON GUARD®

  • Apply with lymphatic massage at the onset of or during illness.
  • Take 2-3 drops per day orally for 3 days prior to surgery and apply with massage to strengthen immune system and guard against infection.
  • Put several drops in a bowl of hot – hot water and breathe in the vapors as it begins to volatilize when you have lung congestion.
  • Take orally with honey, agave, or juice at the onset of nagging symptoms of cold, flu, and viruses.
  • At the onset of sore throat or to fight laryngitis, place 2-3 drops in ¼ cup of water, gargle, swish and pull for 5 minutes, then spit. Take 2 drops internally.
  • Put on the soles of children’s feet at night during cold & flu season to support immune system (be sure to put cotton socks on after applying the oil).
  • Put several drops on the HVAC vents of a hotel room or office to kill airborne pathogens and germs.
  • Add several drops to distilled water in a spray bottle and use the mixture to disinfect surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom.

Did you know?
Essential Oils can EASILY and RAPIDLY penetrate cell walls


This makes them very effective against bacteria AND viruses. Essential oils also contain oxygenating molecules that transport the nutrients to the cells of the body.   Illness and disease cannot exist in an oxygen rich environment. If a cell has been deprived of oxygen, the cell wall hardens and nothing can pass in or out of it, not even modern medicine. The primary constituent of essential oils is oxygen. Essential oils are lipids soluble that can easily penetrate a cell membrane. Even if the cell membrane has hardened, essential oils have the ability to soften it, penetrate and re-oxygenate the cell. This allows the cell to function normally again. In fact, the cell can begin releasing chemical toxins in an oxygen rich environment. Essential oils deliver 21% more oxygen to every cell in the body within 20 minutes without harmful effects.

Phenols and Phenylopropanoilds (natural compounds in oils) create conditions where  bacteria and in fact, viruses, can’t live. Phenylopropanoilds clean receptor sites on the cells. Without clean receptors, cells can’t communicate, the body malfunctions, and sickness results. Phenols increase the velocity in the blood by increasing the oxygen and moving it along. Phenols are also antiseptic and can kill bacteria.

Monoterpenes and Sesquiterpenes (natural compounds in oils) can reprogram miswritten information in the DNA. With improper coding in cellular memory, cells malfunction and disease results. There are many more compounds like these found in essential oils that prove they are our first, best solution to help our body heal naturally.

Kristi is passionate about empowering and assisting you in learning the wisdom of self-care to achieve your optimum health and wellbeing. Kristi is an Essential Oils Consultant, Qigong/Tai Chi and Meditation Instructor, Reiki Master.

Copyright © *2014* *Balanced Wellness Solutions*, All rights reserved. 



Please remember when reading anything on my email that I am not a doctor nor a trained healthcare professional.  The information that I am providing is meant for informational purposes only and you should not rely only on the information provided on this email if you have a serious health issue.  In case of a serious injury or other issue, please consult a trained professional. I am not a licensed physician and can’t diagnose or prescribe medications for you.  This disclaimer acts as the explicit waiver of any liability of myself as an Independent Product Consultant or dōTERRA as a company. Information on this email has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and products referred to are not intended to or guaranteed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.