Dear Fellow Essential Oil Lovers,

Welcome to our Regular Monthly email newsletter where we will be sharing the latest details on Live Events, Online Events and other doTERRA News. As of July 2016 I plan on using the doTERRA email system for this Monthly Newsletter, so I hope you will all still Receive it as I know some of the emails on my doTERRA website are different from this list and there should also be a simple way to Unsubscribe from this list through their system. There will also be some changes in the format of the email to fit the system that doTERRA uses ! I hope you enjoy this new update and look forward to seeing you at some of our Upcoming Live Events !

Robin Jones
The Living Temple


SEPTEMBER DOTERRA CONVENTION – If you can make it to this event I would Highly Recommend it as it a really Life Changing Experience and Tickets are still Available at the Special Early Registration price of $189 until July 31st 2016. Tickets are Selling Out Really Quickly so please don’t wait much longer to get your tickets or you will miss out !


A drop of essential oil education in the palm of your hand! The new Daily Drop App provides a convenient solution to essential oil education. Short videos and simple challenges are right at your fingertips all day. You might find yourself waiting in the parking lot to pick up your kids, on your lunch break, or winding down at the end of the day when you have some time to fill. Commit to two minutes a day for 30 days to take your essential oil usage knowledge to the next level. The Daily Drop app can be downloaded in the Google Play store and in iTunes. For those excited about this new education, but prefer email, you may join the daily mailing list.

Just wanted to share a couple of Links to some Great Articles recently posted on the Benefits of Essential Oils, hope you Enjoy !

CO-IMPACT SOURCING – This is a Great 5-6 Minute overview Video showing the Amazing Impact that doTERRA is having around the World and the Mission that the Company has with their Co-Impact Business model for Sourcing Essential Oils and Creating Sustainable Communities. Hope you Enjoy !

JUNE ESSENTIAL OILS CLASSES – We are now Offering 2 Different Essential Oils Classes here at The Living Temple each month. On Sun 12th from 6:00-7:30pm and Wed 22nd from 7:00-8:30pm we will have classes on Using Oils for Natural Health & Wellness and on Wed 15th from 7:00-8:30pm and Sun 26th from 6:00-7:30pm we will have classes on Using Oils for Stress & Balancing Emotions !  If you would like to learn more about Essential Oils in General along with Health Tips from over 20 Years of Health Research then please come and join Robin Jones, the Owner and Founder of The Living Temple for these Special FREE Events. More details at  New Classes now Only 90 Minutes !



GREAT JUNE PROMO – This is a really cool New Promotion that has now been Extended until June 15th ! and I hope you can all take advantage of this great deal ! If you place any Order with at least $200PV between June 1st to 15th you will get over the Following awesome products; 5ml Cardamom essential oil, 15ml Breathe essential oil blend, doTERRA Breathe Vapor Stick and doTERRA Breathe Respiratory Drops which gives you $92 of FREE products ! You can also place up to four $200 orders per account and if you do them all as Loyalty Rewards orders you will get your points on each order as well as all the Free items.  Â