Dear Fellow Essential Oil Lovers,

Welcome to our Regular Monthly email newsletter where we will be sharing the latest details on Live Events, Online Events and other doTERRA News. As of April 2017 I am hoping to use either the doTERRA email system or Mailchimp for this Monthly Newsletter, so I hope you will all still Receive it as I know some of the emails on my doTERRA website are different from this list and there should also be a simple way to Unsubscribe from these lists through their systems. There will also be some changes in the format of the email to fit the system that they use ! I hope you enjoy this new update and look forward to seeing you at some of our Upcoming Live Events !

Robin Jones
The Living Temple

SPECIAL MARCH EVENTS – We have now changed the Monthly Essential Oils classes to a new format which we hope you will enjoy and look forward to seeing you at some of the New Classes and please bring Guests as well. Instead of two of each of the classes on Health and Wellness and Stress and Emotions we now have just one of each plus 2 totally new classes where we will be sharing and talking about different oils and information on health in general.

Thursday 2nd March 6:45-8:30pm – Using Essential Oils for Natural Health and Wellness

Sunday 5th March 5:45-7:30pm – Using Essential Oils for Addictions, and the Digestion / Emotion Connection

Wednesday 22nd March 6:45-8:30pm – Using Essential Oils for Stress and Balancing Emotions

Sunday 26th March 5:45-7:30pm – Using Essential Oils for Love, Romance and Sensuality

Please come and join us for these special events with the Owner and Founder of The Living Temple Robin Jones as he shares his Experience of over 20 Years of Health Research and for more details on the Classes please go to and click on the News and Events button for the last email newsletter. These special events are Free to attend but we do ask that you please RSVP as spaces are limited.

WEDNESDAY 8TH MARCH 6:45 – 8:30PM ~ SPECIAL FILM SCREENING ~ Ancient Secrets of Essential Oils !

Please join us for this Special Film Screening and for more details on the film please go to    

Inspired by the Growing Popularity of essential oils, Ancient Secrets Of Essential Oils is an immersing, cinematic experience that delves into the Mysterious World of essential oils. The film explores the Fascinating History of essential oils from Biblical times into the 21st Century and examines how uses of essential oils have developed over the centuries and the Medical Research that has inspired Millions of people around the world to use them. This Powerful film does not Promote any one Brand of Essential Oils or Company but just shares Amazing information on the uses of Essential Oils in different Cultures for Thousands of Years and the Many Exciting Possibilities for use in our Modern Times. We will also be Sharing various Essential Oils during the Screening of the Film.

This special event is Free to attend but we do ask that you please RSVP as spaces are limited.



If you want to learn more about the doTERRA products and company this will be an Amazing Opportunity and if you are serious about Building a Business with doTERRA then I would highly recommend Registering as Soon as Tickets become Available as they will Definitely SELL OUT ! There will be more details any day now on your doTERRA website and I will also be letting people know, but for now the only details are the cost of $49 and it will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center. Please save these dates in your calendars and I hope to see all of you there !

GREAT MARCH PROMO – This is one of the best promotions doTERRA does each year and I hope you are all able to take advantage of it. For every order that you place as either an Existing Wholesale Member or as a New Member that has $200 PV or more between March 1st and 31st you will get a FREE 10ml Deep Blue Touch Oil and a 4oz Deep Blue Rub $95 retail value ! Plus you can do up to 4 orders with $200 PV per account and get up to 4 Free sets of Promotion Oils and if you have them all process as Loyalty Rewards orders you will also get your Rebate Points on all the orders as well.

Just wanted to share a couple of Links to some Great Articles recently posted on the Benefits of Essential Oils, Hope you Enjoy !


To all the Essential Oil Addicts ! plus check out their website for other great cards and more.

CO-IMPACT SOURCING – This is a Great 5-6 Minute overview Video showing the Amazing Impact that doTERRA is having around the World and the Mission that the Company has with their Co-Impact Business model for Sourcing Essential Oils and Creating Sustainable Communities. Hope you Enjoy !